Disciple-Making Insights: Practical Tools for a Fully Alive Life.
The Most Important Disciple-Making Shift We Must Make
You may have heard the statement, “We are educated beyond our obedience.” In other words, we know the right answers but do not follow through with the right actions. Jesus, in the parable above, makes it clear that having the right answer is not enough. Life is found in obedience.
I believe one shift in our disciple making efforts will turn this tide and lead more followers of Jesus “into the vineyard.” I believe it is the most important shift we can make in our lifetime. We must shift from content-focused disciple making to outcome-focused disciple making.
December Webinar: Obedience > Competence
As we step into the Advent season, we’re reminded of the anticipation and hope that marked the arrival of Jesus. But beyond the twinkling lights and festive carols lies a profound truth about our faith journey: obedience trumps competence. Advent invites us to prepare our hearts, not by perfecting our skills, but by surrendering to God’s plan. Let’s explore how radical obedience can lead to unexpected freedom and growth, transforming not only our lives but also our communities. ✨
Developing a Spiritual Library
My Dad was a devoted reader, reading “for awhile” every night before bed. That habit led to the outcome of his being well-read. Recently, I’ve intentionally emulated that, connecting with that piece of his legacy. But a recent challenge from a friend sparked a thought: What if, in my quest to be a “devoted reader” like my Dad, I “devoted” more of that reading to spiritual pursuits?
Developing Your 360° Support: Part 4
Apprentices are people you choose to mentor. The best apprentices desire to grow, demonstrate initiative, and make sacrifices to gain wisdom from a good mentor.
Experienced mentors know a powerful truth… the benefits of routinely developing apprentices far outweigh the investments. Every follower of Jesus can live more Fully Alive as they identify, develop, and release apprentices throughout their life.
Developing Your 360° Support: Part 3
How Do I Find the Best Peers To Walk With Me?
Peers share a similar phase of spiritual development as you. They have similar hopes and ambitions as well as similar challenges and limitations. Peers are not in front of you or behind you, but stand side by side with you in your pursuit of Jesus…
Developing Your 360° Support: Part 2
Mentors are seasoned in their walk with Jesus, filled with wisdom on how to live Fully Alive, and able and willing to share that wisdom with others. Finding a great mentor is challenging, as many mentor and apprentice relationships are initiated by the mentor… not the apprentice. This is certainly true in the biblical examples. Paul chose Timothy. Jethro offered unsolicited advice to Moses. Elijah chose an unsuspecting Elisha to be his successor as prophet. Even Jesus, the ultimate mentor, selected His disciples to their great surprise.
Developing Your 360° Support: Part 1
Jesus came so you could live Fully Alive.
Since the secret to living Fully Alive is to actually die to your own desires and inclinations, which seems “upside-down” and contrary to what most of us want out of life, then we must admit from the outset that WE. NEED. HELP!
The Fully Alive Life Has an Enemy
“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” —Jesus (John 10:10)
Discovering YOUR Part In Jesus’ Great Commission
I am not easily intimidated. I like a good challenge. I love jumping headlong into opportunities and running full steam at them.
The Two Things You Crave the Most: Part 3
Here, I suggest a third question to guide your answers to the first two: Will you allow your longings for intimacy and influence to drive you to Jesus, now and for the rest of your life?
The Two Things You Crave the Most: Part 2
The question I invite you to consider in this blog is, “Were your longings for intimacy and influence so powerful that they caused you to try and fulfill them in ways that caused more pain than joy?”
The Two Things You Crave the Most: Part 1
Two questions started haunting me in my middle school years. I couldn’t put words to them at the time, but in those tender years of emotional and physical development, these two questions influenced my feelings and behavior more than anything else.
Identity: The Key to Impact
Your greatest impact will not be a result of your effort and hard work. Your greatest impact will flow from the work Jesus is doing in and through you. Put succinctly, Impact flows from Identity.
The Reliable Arch of Character
An arch is reliably strong because its apex equally distributes weight to two bases, which form a single, continuous structure. As weight compresses down from above the arch, the foundational bases absorb weight equally.
Understand and Engage Your Purpose in Life
How do you feel about your life? Do you feel driven by a purpose or are you just floating along, going through your day-to-day activities and tasks?
Finding Peace Through Righteousness
In a recent poll by the American Psychiatric Association, over 70% of U.S. adults reported being anxious about keeping safe, inflation, and a potential recession.
Does My Faith Belong at Work?
A few weeks ago, I was at a dinner party and sitting next to a former business owner. She asked what I did for a living. After I told her, she pointedly asked, “You don’t preach to people do you?”
One Leader’s Experience with Followers Made
Jason Phelps is a disciple-maker at heart, and our Followers Made Cohort proved to be a solution he was looking for to make and multiply disciples to grow in their character and calling. We asked Jason several questions about his first experience leading Followers Made, and his answers are inspiring. Enjoy!
Winning With Accountability
Spiritual development requires honest and helpful accountability. Most of us, however, have difficulty developing this vulnerable spiritual habit.
Developing Life-Changing Bible Engagement
Most followers of Jesus struggle to develop & maintain the habit of Bible reading and journaling. Unfortunately, when the Bible reading and journaling decline, so goes the ability to sense God’s presence and guidance.