Core Distinctives
What Makes Disciples Made Unique?
Measurable Transformation
We focus on developing character & calling and measure these outcomes.
It’s important to measure the fruit of your ministry. That’s why we measure it by impact. Impact is the product of your character (Fruit of the Spirit) and calling (Gifts of the Spirit). After six months of intentional engagement in the fully alive process, you’ll see a surprising impact increase in yourself and the people you take on the journey with you.
Digital Yet Personal
Our experiences are delivered online but are forged in the community.
Jesus came that “we may have life and have it to the full.” You’ve experienced the intimacy and impact that comes with this promise as you’ve followed Him unrelentingly. Sometimes, it takes a new language and a new approach for others to see it. Our Fully Alive App can help you inspire others to embrace the priesthood of all believers.
Not a Church, but For the Church
We develop servant leaders who make their churches and communities more like heaven.
Want to turn spiritual platitudes into action? Fully Alive is a simple, proven process that helps you and your church thrive! By developing character through the Fruit of the Spirit and developing calling by exercising the Gifts of the Spirit, you, your leaders, and your faith community will see measurable growth inside your church and beyond.
Brian Phipps serves as Founder & Visionary of Disciples Made based out of Shawnee, KS. He brings strong leadership and investments in championing the spiritual growth of leaders, and therefore disciples, everywhere.