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On Earth as It Is In Heaven

Jesus taught His disciples how to pray. Many of us call Jesus’ model prayer The Lord’s Prayer. The prayer’s first petition is palpable: “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” According to Jesus, our first petition should be for life on earth to resemble life in heaven.

This begs the question: If Jesus’ priority petition for our prayer lives is “on earth as it is in heaven,” shouldn’t our disciple-making efforts prioritize the same?

Disciple-making, at its core, should prepare people to live like citizens of heaven and bring heaven to earth in the process.

Disciple-making efforts designed to have people live within the safe confines of the church, avoiding the broken influences of the world, as they prepared to live in heaven someday are missing the point.

Disciples Made’s theology of disciple-making, Character x Calling = Impact, will help you partner with Jesus to bring heaven to earth.

The factors in the equation are Character and Calling. Character is the process of becoming like Jesus. Calling is helping EVERY disciple become a missionary where they live, work, learn, or play. The product is IMPACT. Impact is when things on earth happen as they would in heaven.

You can make Earth like heaven… and Disciples Made can help… for FREE!

Discover and begin walking in your unique personal calling in our free Find Your Place experience. Invite a few friends to join you!

Learn more about the importance of the Character X Calling = Impact equation by reading our free book, Fully Alive.

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