The Missio Dei and Your Masterpiece Mission: Discovering Your Personal Calling in God’s Story


The Missio Dei—the mission of God—is not just something happening around us; it’s something happening through us. From Genesis to Revelation, Scripture reveals a God who is on mission to redeem and restore all things. But here’s the incredible part: God invites you to play a unique role in that mission.

You were not created at random. You were handcrafted by God with a specific purpose in His kingdom. Ephesians 2:10 tells us, “For we are God’s masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” This means your calling isn’t something you invent—it’s something you discover. At Disciples Made, we call this your Masterpiece Mission.

The Intersection of Calling and the Mission of God

Many people struggle with calling because they assume it’s about a specific job, title, or location. But calling is deeper than that. It’s about who God made you to be and how He wants to work through you.

Your Masterpiece Mission is where your character and calling intersect to create kingdom impact. At Disciples Made, we use the formula:

Character × Calling = Impact

  • Character: Who you are becoming in Christ. Are you growing in love, joy, peace, and self-control?

  • Calling: What God designed you to do. Where are your gifts, passions, and story leading you?

  • Impact: The kingdom influence you have to partner with Jesus in making this world more like heaven.

When you live out your Masterpiece Mission, you’re not just participating in ministry—you’re living as an active part of the Missio Dei.

Discovering Your Masterpiece Mission

So how do you find and live out your personal calling in God’s mission? Here are three key steps:

1. Discover Your GPS!

The GPS Assessment is crafted to help you discern the specific role God has for you within His mission by exploring three pivotal areas:

  1. Gifts: Recognizing your inherent talents and abilities and God-given spiritual gifts.

  2. Passions: Identifying the people and causes that ignite your enthusiasm.

  3. Story: Understanding how your life experiences have shaped you in the story Jesus is writing.

By reflecting on these aspects, the GPS Assessment offers a comprehensive view of how God has uniquely equipped you for His purposes. Click here to take the FREE assessment!

2. Engage in Intentional Disciple-Making Environments (IDEs)

At Disciples Made, we don’t believe calling is something you figure out alone. Transformation happens in community. IDEs help you:

  • Develop spiritual habits that shape your character.

  • Clarify your top spiritual gifts and where God is calling you.

  • Connect with others who sharpen your vision for impact.

Learn more about IDEs here to explore, develop, and influence.

3. Step Into Mission—Right Where You Are

God’s calling isn’t just for the future—it’s for today. You don’t have to wait for a special assignment. Your mission field is where you live, work, learn, and play. Whether you’re a teacher shaping young minds, a business leader fostering integrity, or a parent raising the next generation, your everyday life is your ministry.

Multiplication: When Your Calling Inspires Others

When you live fully in your Masterpiece Mission, something amazing happens: others are inspired to do the same. Discipleship isn’t just about personal growth—it’s about multiplication.

We’ve seen this in action. A mom in our network discovered her Masterpiece Mission in the classroom and began discipling fellow teachers. Now, she’s reached fourth-generation disciples. One life, fully alive in Christ, can change countless others.

You Were Made for More

The Missio Dei isn’t just for pastors or missionaries—it’s for every disciple of Jesus. Your Masterpiece Mission is your unique way of participating in God’s eternal story.

Are you ready to discover and live it out? Let’s reimagine discipleship together.


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