The Fully Alive Life Has an Enemy
By Jason Phelps
“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” —Jesus (John 10:10)
Jesus came to restore us to a life lived Fully Alive.
A life of intimacy and influence.
A life where we aren’t constantly seeking the approval of others but where we are loved, valued, known, and seen.
A life where we are free from the need to control but instead awash in freedom, meaning, and significance.
A life of making wrong things right and making Earth a little more like heaven.
When I read that Jesus came for me to be able to live Fully Alive, and I think about how beautiful that life is, it makes me wonder why I and others don’t engage it more than we do. It reminds me of a quote from one of my favorite authors, C.S. Lewis:
“It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.” - C.S. Lewis
Does this quote resonate with you?
Do you find yourself too easily pleased and settling for a life that feels more like surviving than thriving? A life where you are constantly trying to prove yourself out of fear of what others think? A life marked by burnout and exhaustion? Maybe you’ve gotten to the point where everything is simply out of your control, and you’ve concluded that this is all life has to offer.
If any of this describes you, and you are ready to break the inertia and start living more Fully Alive, let this story encourage you.
A Story of Being Far too Easily Pleased
When I was in kindergarten, my family had moved into a new home, where the backyard landscaping wasn’t quite finished, which meant I quickly found an area of dirt perfect for digging. I dug until my little 6-year-old self could adequately fit inside this robust hole. I grabbed the hose and began filling up the hole with water. My very own swimming pool! I remember sitting in the hole of brown and muddy water, splashing around, and having fun. 6-year-old Jason was content, dirty, and proud of the “massive” hole that he had created.
What I haven’t said yet was that in that same backyard was a brand-new swimming pool, complete with a diving board. The water was fresh, clean, and ready to be used. But I was content to sit in a muddy hole. I was far too easily pleased, unaware of the fun to be had in our beautiful pool (did I mention it had a diving board?!).
Isn’t this like life? I believe for many (or most) of us we truly have no idea what it even feels like to live fully alive, to enjoy a “holiday at the sea” (or a a brand new swimming pool!). We have no idea what true intimacy feels like or what godly influence looks like. We’ve settled for a life that is lacking.
The Enemy Takes Advantage
There is an enemy that will take advantage of this child-like ignorance, an enemy that will convince us that God’s plan for living is really lacking and that living in a “state of lacking” is what living is. Remember, “the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy,” and we can find ourselves like the Israelites that God rebuked through Jeremiah:
“My people have done two evil things: They have abandoned me—the fountain of living water. And they have dug for themselves cisterns that can hold no water at all!” - Jeremiah 2:13
The enemy takes advantage of our lack of faith and ignorance, convincing us to settle for cracked cisterns instead of fountains of living water.
So, what is the “cracked cistern” you’ve settled for?
Is it approval? Maintaining control? Have these “cracked cisterns” developed into seeking approval through sex or gaining control through power? This is what the enemy desires; the enemy wants you to destroy your life and the lives of others who are likely to be harmed in the wake of your choices. It’s only a matter of time.
It’s crucial to pause for a moment and reaffirm that the longing to be loved and valued, to be seen as significant, are holy, God-given longings. We are human! The question is, how do we avoid falling into the enemy’s trap of settling for brokenness and imagining that it’s life? How do we step into the Fully Alive life that is rich and satisfying?
Intimacy and Influence Increase When Character and Calling Increase
There’s a unique relationship between intimacy and our character, between our influence and our calling, which are the two aspects of living fully alive. When we grow in character marked by the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5) and become more like Jesus, our capacity to give and receive love becomes greater and healthier. Our capacity to value others and self increases significantly. When we gain clarity with our calling by examining our spiritual gifts and passions, we deepen our knowledge of our purpose. And when we know our purpose, we find direction and meaning. When we are sure of our direction, we can slow down and steady our pace of life.
The Right Next Step for Yourself: Explore, Develop, or Influence?
So pause. Breathe. You are not alone, and God does not break His promises. Your next step may simply begin to explore this Jesus-Way of Life. Perhaps it’s time to begin developing your character and calling, or maybe you are ready to intentionally influence the lives of people around you.
I am happy to emphasize this again… Jesus came to restore to us the fully alive life, a life of intimacy and influence. A life not of seeking approval from others but one where we are loved, valued, known, and seen. Not a life of grasping for control, but one of freedom, with meaning and significance. A life of making wrong things right and making earth a little more like heaven.
Who’s ready?
Start the “Live Fully Alive” course today; on your own or with some friends.