
Blog Disciples Made Blog Disciples Made

The Two Things You Crave the Most: Part 2

The question I invite you to consider in this blog is, “Were your longings for intimacy and influence so powerful that they caused you to try and fulfill them in ways that caused more pain than joy?”

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Blog Disciples Made Blog Disciples Made

The Two Things You Crave the Most: Part 1

Two questions started haunting me in my middle school years. I couldn’t put words to them at the time, but in those tender years of emotional and physical development, these two questions influenced my feelings and behavior more than anything else.

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Blog Disciples Made Blog Disciples Made

The Power of Measuring Spiritual Progress: Part 1

Bakers measure ingredients to make tasty cookies. Business executives measure key performance indicators to stay profitable. Sports teams measure points to make games exciting for their fans. Construction workers measure materials twice to ensure a good cut.

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Blog Disciples Made Blog Disciples Made

Identity: The Key to Impact

Your greatest impact will not be a result of your effort and hard work. Your greatest impact will flow from the work Jesus is doing in and through you. Put succinctly, Impact flows from Identity.

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The Reliable Arch of Character

An arch is reliably strong because its apex equally distributes weight to two bases, which form a single, continuous structure. As weight compresses down from above the arch, the foundational bases absorb weight equally.

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Blog Disciples Made Blog Disciples Made

Does My Faith Belong at Work?

A few weeks ago, I was at a dinner party and sitting next to a former business owner. She asked what I did for a living. After I told her, she pointedly asked, “You don’t preach to people do you?”

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Blog Disciples Made Blog Disciples Made

Navigating Spiritual Valleys

I wish someone would have told me that a red-hot pursuit of Jesus would not always feel so red-hot. I also wish someone would have told me that the “not-so-red-hot moments” could be an invitation to experience new spiritual heights.

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Winning With Accountability

Spiritual development requires honest and helpful accountability. Most of us, however, have difficulty developing this vulnerable spiritual habit.

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Developing Life-Changing Bible Engagement

Most followers of Jesus struggle to develop & maintain the habit of Bible reading and journaling. Unfortunately, when the Bible reading and journaling decline, so goes the ability to sense God’s presence and guidance.

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