S4 Trailer: The 6 Least Likely, Yet Most Necessary, Trends We Must See in Disciple-Making
Join us on October 11 for the start of Season 4 of the Disciples Made Podcast. We welcome various influencers in the disciple making realm to chat about the 6 Least Likely, Yet Most Necessary, Trends We Must See in Disciple-Making. See you then!
Bonus Episode 16: Who Influenced You the Most?
"Who influenced you the most? Did someone disciple you? What were the most critical discipleship growth steps in your journey?"
In this bonus series, we are answering YOUR QUESTIONS! Brian Phipps shares some of the key influencers in his disciple making journey, and how they helped shape him and Disciples Made into what it is today.
Bonus Episode 15: "Why aren't we able to multiply small group leaders in the church?"
"What do you think are the main reasons we aren't able to multiply small group leaders in the church?"
In this bonus series, we are answering YOUR QUESTIONS! Brian Phipps & Hannah Welborn uncover why they think we aren't multiplying small group leaders within our churches.
Bonus Episode 14: "Why do you think accountability is helpful?"
"You regularly use the word "accountability" like it is a wonderful thing. In my experience accountability has not been helpful at all. Why do you think accountability is helpful?"
In this bonus series, we are answering YOUR QUESTIONS! Brian Phipps & Hannah Welborn tackle this tactical question about accountability and how it is extremely beneficial if done in the right way.
Bonus Episode 13: What is the difference between a D-group strategy and Disciples Made's group triads?
"What is the difference between a D-group strategy and Disciples Made's group triads?"
In this bonus series, we are answering YOUR QUESTIONS! Brian Phipps & Hannah Phipps tackle this tactical question about DM's triads and the differences between them and the popular D-Group strategy.
Bonus Episode 12: Are Bible Studies Adequate for Making Disciples?
In this bonus series, we are answering YOUR QUESTIONS! Brian Phipps & Hannah Phipps tackle your question: "You seem to say that bible studies are not adequate for making disciples. Are you saying that? If not, what are you saying?"
Bonus Episode 11: Fan of Sermon-based Small Groups?
In this bonus series we are answering YOUR QUESTIONS! Brian Phipps & Hannah Phipps discuss sermon-based small groups and the benefits and downsides that come along with them.
S3 Episode 6: Leveraging Your Senior Pastor’s Gifts To Multiply Disciples
Today Brian Phipps & Brian Johnson talk about how you can leverage your senior pastor's gifts to multiply disciples in your church.
S3 Episode 5: Developing the Coaching Team You've Always Wanted
On today's episode Brian Phipps & Brian Johnson talk about how you can start to develop a coaching team that works towards developing disciples within your church.
S3 Episode 4: Disciple-Multiplication In Small Groups Begins with Discipling the Leaders
In today's episode of the Disciples Made Podcast Brian Phipps and Brian Johnson discuss the importance of discipling your small group leaders.
S3 Episode 3: Invitations Matter. Changing Yours May Change the Game
It is hard to get groups to multiply disciples when we “sold” them with “community.” Community is a huge benefit that is greatly desired, but Jesus didn’t use community as an invitation strategy because He knew real community was a result of something more.
Today Rob Wegner and Brian Phipps dig into the importance of invitations when joining small groups and how changing your invitation could level up your Intentional Disciple-Making Environments.
For more information go to DisciplesMade.com or click here to schedule a 30 minute call.
S3 Episode 2: Your Small Groups Really Can Make Disciples… But It Takes a Plan
oday Rob Wegner and Brian Phipps chat about how your small groups ARE actually effective in what they are intended to do, why you still need small groups, and the importance of creating Disciple-Making Environments alongside them.
S3 Episode 1: Your Small Groups Don't Need to Suck with Doug Paul
Today we talked with Doug Paul about the Discipleship Snapshot research he recently published, particularly regarding the 43% of pastors that said their small groups aren't working. We believe small groups can work to multiply disciples. Join us for a deeper dive into the research, and then join us over the next five weeks as we discuss how you CAN make your groups work better than you ever expected!
Link to Doug's Research: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fTJgBmgj2EYNds3QUQrMDYTGmrUYj_Oi/view
Have questions about why your small groups aren't working? Email us at podcast@disciplesmade.com.
Season 3 Trailer: Your Small Groups Don't Need to Suck
We are so excited to announce season three of the Disciples Made Podcast, "Your Small Groups Don't Need to Suck". We believe that your small groups are effective in what they are designed to do, and that with some small changes you can leverage your groups to make disciples that make disciples. Join us next week for Episode 1!
Bonus Episode 10: Building a Bridge Between Church & Marketplace Leaders w/ Marshall Dougherty
Part of Disciples Made's vision is watching the false walls that have been erected between church and marketplace leaders being vaporized in the wake of our groups. Our founder, Brian Phipps, has experienced this time and time again. These next 5 Bonus Episodes are with five marketplace leaders that have not only been blessed by Disciples Made, but have in turn been a blessing to her. Today we introduce Marshall Dougherty, Chief Operations Officer at Harrison, Walker & Harper.
Bonus Episode 9: Building a Bridge Between Church & Marketplace Leaders w/ Paul Ward
Part of Disciples Made's vision is watching the false walls that have been erected between church and marketplace leaders being vaporized in the wake of our groups. Our founder, Brian Phipps, has experienced this time and time again. These next 5 Bonus Episodes are with five marketplace leaders that have not only been blessed by Disciples Made, but have in turn been a blessing to her. Today we introduce Paul Ward, Managing Partner and Financial Advisor with nVision Wealth.
Bonus Episode 8: Building a Bridge Between Church & Marketplace Leaders w/ Mike Farag
Part of Disciples Made's vision is watching the false walls that have been erected between church and marketplace leaders being vaporized in the wake of our groups. Our founder, Brian Phipps, has experienced this time and time again. These next 5 Bonus Episodes are with five marketplace leaders that have not only been blessed by Disciples Made, but have in turn been a blessing to her. Today we introduce Mike Farag, CEO + Chief Brand Strategist of Fervor Marketing.
Bonus Episode 7: Building a Bridge Between Church & Marketplace Leaders w/ Dan Cooper
Part of Disciples Made's vision is watching the false walls that have been erected between church and marketplace leaders being vaporized in the wake of our groups. Our founder, Brian Phipps, has experienced this time and time again. These next 5 Bonus Episodes are with five marketplace leaders that have not only been blessed by Disciples Made, but have in turn been a blessing to her. Today we introduce Dan Cooper, President of Acumen. Acumen works to sharpen Trailblazing CEO’s and Business Owners with a platform for accelerated growth and leadership impact.
Click here to learn more about Acumen.
Have questions about what we chatted about?
Set up a 30 minute call with Brian Phipps from Disciples Made.
Bonus Episode 6: Building a Bridge Between Church & Marketplace Leaders w/ Mitch Rice
Part of Disciples Made's vision is watching the false walls that have been erected between church and marketplace leaders being vaporized in the wake of our groups. Our founder, Brian Phipps, has experienced this time and time again. These next 5 Bonus Episodes are with five marketplace leaders that have not only been blessed by Disciples Made, but have in turn been a blessing to her. Today we begin by introducing Mitch Rice, who recently left his place in the marketplace to join full time on the Disciples Made team.
S2 Episode 10: From "We Can Do It, You Can Help" to "You Can Do It, We Can Help" w/ Jeff Vanderstelt
In this episode we welcome Jeff Vanderstelt, the visionary leader for Saturate and the Soma Family of Churches and a teaching pastor at Doxa Church in Bellevue, Washington. We chat about From We Can Do It, You Can Help to You Can Do It, We Can Help.