What is the Disciple Multiplication Cohort: Phase 2?

A monthly gathering of disciple-makers that are committed to the long-term goal of catalyzing a Movement of Disciple-Making. A Movement of Disciple-Making is made when a disciple-maker has developed 4 generations of disciple-makers through multiple disciples. Phase 2 is specifically designed to help disciple-makers becoming disciple-making catalysts; preparing you to coach your disciples who are now making their own disciples.

Phase Two Cohort Begins September 5th, 2024!

Facilitated by Brian Phipps, movement leader & coach.

$499 a person or $1499 for up to 5 people.

First Thursdays of the Month

10am - 11:15am CT (USA) via Zoom

Using the Disciple-Multiplication Map as a guide, you will move from being a disciple-multiplier toward being a disciple-making catalyst as you support your new leaders as they identify, develop, and release new leaders of their own.



Disciple-making movements are built through faithful disciple reproduction. Accountability for this reproduction is central to the experience.


Relationships are the vehicle for accountability, encouragement, and support. Relationships with those in similar phases of movement, not just movement experts, are the key to this mission. A portion of the cohort time will be in smaller groupings for this support.


Intentional Disciple-Making Environments are critical for disciple reproduction. Each month best practices for using IDEs will be shared to reinforce the IDE structure.

The Reading Plan 

Ready, Set, Grow! by Scott Wilson

Ready, Set, Grow! is a story of a pastor's three year journey of developing his staff members to grow his church. The pastor set a goal to turn his "heroes" into multiplying "Hero Makers."

Ready, Set, Grow!  will introduce you to some new language for leadership development. Instead of the word "Hero," this author uses the word "Worker."  Instead of the word "Hero-Maker," this author uses "Equipper." In fitting with the goal of helping you develop four generations of disciples, you need a third tier of leadership, and the author uses a familiar word... "Multiplier." 

This book provides vulnerable details of the pastor's three year journey. The stories of victory and failure deliver invaluable insights for disciple-makers. If you are on a church staff, the stories in the book may resonate with you and your context. If you are not on a church staff, the stories may not match your context, but you can apply the framework anywhere... especially to make disciples.

Phase Two Cohort Begins September 5th, 2024!

Facilitated by Brian Phipps, movement leader & coach.

$499 a person or $1499 for up to 5 people.

First Thursdays of the Month

10am - 11:15am CT (USA) via Zoom

How is Phase 2 Different than Phase 1? 

The DNA and monthly format are the same as Phase 1. The focus, and therefore the supplemental reading, are different. 

In Phase 1 the focus was on being successful with page one of your Movement Map; identifying and developing your first round of new leaders. In Phase 2 the focus is on being successful with page two of your Movement Map; helping your new leaders identify and develop their first round of new leaders while you do the same in your group.