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Spiritual Habits: The Key to Abiding With Jesus

By Myra Schraeder

Habits are important.

My neighbor waters his plants every day. He pulls weeds as they pop up. He follows the guidance of the local experts for what, where and when to plant in our area. His garden is beautiful! 

I have a friend who gets up early to stretch and exercise daily. She eats a variety of healthy foods. She chooses with care what fills her mind and heart and watches her words. In her mid-sixties she looks and feels great and is a joy to be around. She inspires me. 

My neighbor didn’t grow a beautiful garden overnight. My friend didn’t become healthy inside and out without work. Over time they chose and developed habits that led to the outcomes they desired. Habits shape the impact we have on ourselves, those around us and on our surroundings.

Habits begin with daily choices that flow from who we are and what we believe. Habits can go two ways. Bad habits lead to poor health, damage the world we live in and may harm those around us. Or, habits can make us stronger, inspire others to live their best life and bring a little bit of heaven to earth. Good habits, godly habits, fuel character and calling, which lead to impact that blesses the people and world around us - that is the Fully Alive life.

So, what habits connect us to living fully alive; to growing and developing in character and calling making earth a bit more like heaven? 

The habits of the early church inform us.  

All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer. A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders.  Acts 2:42-47

1.  Devote yourself to Bible Engagement.  

All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching.

Reading the Bible regularly, considering what you believe God is saying through his word and choosing what you will do about it will grow your character and sense of calling. This habit of reading with I Believe and I Will statements is embedded in every Fully Alive experience.

2.  Devote yourself to Accountability.  

All the believers devoted themselves to fellowship.

More than "hang time," they were on a shared journey, purposefully living fully alive with Jesus. This was done in all Jesus’ fellowship circles (the 3 close friends, the 12 disciples, & the 72 that were part of the close network), but most powerfully in a triad (at least three people that gather regularly for support). The Fully Alive experiences embrace accountability triads to encourage and assist our intentional progress toward impact.

3.  Devote yourself to Prayer.  

All the believers devoted themselves to prayer.

Prayer is our connection to God. Beyond adoring, confessing, thanking, and asking, the Fully Alive habit of Chair Time takes us into the presence of the wisest, most loving person in or beyond the universe to quiet ourselves and receive what he offers.

4.  Watch God use Your Habits To Demonstrate His Power.  

A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders.

God's glory is often revealed in response to our obedience. Obedience isn’t accomplished in our own effort or strength. It grows out of practicing the habits in dependence on the Spirit. His perfect power is revealed in our weakness.

Developing habits for the sake of habits or to earn favor is unhelpful and nearly impossible. However, habits developed from our identity in Christ lead to outcomes that create heavenly impact and reflect our identity. Developing habits that lead to a more Fully Alive life is challenging at first, but as we persevere, the fully alive life inspires us naturally to continue!

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