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Finding Peace Through Righteousness

By Brian Phipps

In a recent poll by the American Psychiatric Association, over 70% of U.S. adults reported being anxious about keeping safe, inflation, and a potential recession. And anxiety and depression symptoms are particularly high for the 18-24 age group, with 50% of young adults in this group reporting symptoms.

Without in any way dismissing the importance of modern medical treatment and counseling to manage mental health, today, I want to focus on a timeless source of solace: the words and person of Jesus.

Jesus’ righteousness has the power to overcome anxiety and give you peace.

What Does Righteousness Have to Do with Peace?

“Do not worry. Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.” From Matthew 6:31-33 (NIV)

In this passage, Jesus tells us to redirect our energy. Rather than focusing on the causes of our anxiety, he urges us to stop worrying and first pursue His leadership in our lives (kingdom). When we do so, He can help us live the way we were created to live (righteousness). 

“Righteousness” is a unique concept in the Bible. Righteousness is both a gift we receive and a condition to pursue. In other words, righteousness is something God can declare you to have, and something we can only fully experience as we develop it over time. 

Consider the words of Paul in his letter to the Romans:

“Since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.”  Romans 5:1 (NLT)

By putting your faith in Jesus, God declares you to be “right” with Him. This is the gift you can receive. When you surrender the leadership of your life to Jesus, you get more than His help you receive His righteousness. Jesus was perfectly righteous, and in God's sight we too, are perfectly righteous because of this great gift. We don’t need to spend our days like worried youth who pluck the petals of a daisy, wondering, “He loves me … He loves me not.” 

Because of Jesus' righteousness, God loves you. Through this righteousness, we now have peace with God.

The declaration, however, is only the first step toward peace. Peace is found in the declaration, but peace is compounded over time as Jesus leads us into the “rightness” of the life he came to help us live. This is what we refer to as living Fully Alive.

For example, Jesus wants to give you His character. He wants to turn your sadness into joy, your irritability into patience, and your impetuousness into self-control. This is way more than being declared right. This is being made right, and Jesus’ peace in your relationships will flow in its wake. 

Jesus also wants you to realize your calling. He has uniquely gifted you to partner with Him in making the world more like heaven. Waking up every morning with His purpose coursing through your veins expels anxiety and fills you with anticipation. This is more than being made right, this is partnering with Jesus to make all things new. 

Righteousness and Living ‘Fully Alive’

Righteousness is far more than a declaration. Righteousness is living Fully Alive. Jesus wants this for you (John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”). This is why Measurable Transformation is a key focus in the Fully Alive community. You are made righteous as you grow in character and calling, and we are ready to help you measure your progress in the process. 

Every course, cohort, and resource in the Fully Alive community is designed to help you grow in character and calling. The MyImpact Equation helps you measure your progress along the way. If you are serious about overcoming anxiety and finding peace, the popular saying is true: “What gets measured gets done.” 

Take 10 minutes and complete the MyImpact Equation right now. Then be sure to join the Fully Alive Community this fall as we work through the five-week Live Fully Alive course together. 

Life and peace await. Let's experience them together. 

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